Joep the Iceman??

Sideways in Finland..
Joep told us he was on vacation..we should have known!!..
Joep: well It was a fantastic week, 4 days drifting and racing on frozen lakes. Renting a 116i, switching off the traction control and ABS, problems with some other electronic stuff which was responsible for swithcing off the fuel when you are holding the power down while you are left foot braking (txs to Mr. Vlasblom, he knew what to do!) Anyway, good fun and after a few days tourists were asking us for a ride in the drifttaxi. We returned the BMW back with 6200 kms, but the car has suffered like a 15 years old 535i from the driftschool. We are definitely going back with a group of drifters sometime, I knew where the action was..... in Finland!!
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