Round 1 NL Driftseries..

The photo says it all!..
During the qualification Joep took 5th position and qualified for the Best 16. The first opponent was "Rally King" Olivier Colicis, who was beaten after a couple of exciting runs. The 1/4 final against Tim Coronel was a disaster. First run Joep won with 6 to 4. During that run the gearstick came off in his hand!!... Joep tried to fix the problem, but Tim decided to spin the car with the handbrake leaving little time for Joep to react and a collision was the result. The Skyline had some damage: the wing cut into the tyre, the intercooler pipe had a broken clamp, a headlight damaged and the hood too. Unfortunate that Joep was defeated due mechanical failure, but :That's Racing".
An eventful day with unexpected "MODIFICATION" to the Skyline.
The tech. guys from CAR PERFORMANCE delivered yet again in the form of a few "running repairs"to the car during the day so it was still possible to run the car after the collision.
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