Driftschool 26/11 Zandvoort
Today I go to Holland with Judith to pick up the BMW E30 from Ryan van Esch. Judith will drift the car tomorrow at Zandvoort, while I will be there as instructor for the Driftschool in general. Unfortunately the Skyline is not ready yet, but Autoschade Wielhoven is very busy and doing a fine job. So we just have to be patient. ;-) There is a good chance that we sell the Sierra XR4i (which was planned as drift-car for Judith) and buy the E30 instead.. It's a good, reliable drift car. We will keep you informed. By the way.. are you ready for 3rd of december? Big Final NL and BE Drift Series and during the evening we will give a driftshow during the Veronica Autogala in the Gelredome in Arnhem. 15.000 spectators will remember we were there! Plus it will be on TV..